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Naturevest, partner of Dealin.Green, has sold the first carbon credits from Paulownia cultivation

By 8 July 2024No Comments2 min read

A great milestone has been reached; the first carbon credits from Paulownia cultivation have been sold!

Future proof revenue model with carbon credits

Dealin.Green guides farmers to become suppliers of bio-based materials that builders are eagerly seeking. Through this innovative model, farmers earn money from wood/the fibers and from carbon credits pushes the biobased construction industry forward and helps the agricultural sector to become more sustainable.

Qualitative carbon credits

Dealin.Green guides farmers from A to Z to this new revenue model. From project plan, cultivation guidance to selling the fiber, wood and carbon credits through the Dealing.Green Trading Platform. They ensure – in cooperation with Proba – that the credits meet the highest standards of transparency and accountability (ISO 14001- and 14064-2). The fact that the first batch of carbon credits has now been sold also provides great recognition and confidence for the future.

These credits come from NatureVest’s Paulownia tree plantation in Croatia and were sold through Ecommit. Ecommit invests in ambitious sustainability projects that remove CO2 from the air. They provide the CO2 certificates from those projects to SMEs and large companies. In this way, sustainable business becomes accessible to every company.

Paulownia (Kiri tree).
Paulownia is the fastest growing tree in the world and makes light but very strong wood. The tree can absorb up to 40 tons of CO2 per hectare per year! At NatureVest’s plantation in Croatia, about 130,000 fast-growing Paulownia trees efficiently absorb 8,000 tons of CO2 annually. One CO2 credit equals one ton of CO2 removed.